
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Adolescence and Mental Disorders

Mental health refers to a psychological and emotional state. It is how people think, feel, and act as they face life’s situations. It affects how people handle stress, relate to one another, and make decisions. Mental health influences the ways individuals look at themselves, their lives, and others in their lives. Like physical health, mental health is important at every stage of life. All aspects of our lives are affected by our mental health. Caring for and protecting our children is an obligation and is critical to their daily lives and their independence. When untreated, mental health disorders can lead to school failure, family conflicts, drug abuse, violence, and even suicide. Mental health problems and mental illness for children and adolescents refer to the range of all diagnosable emotional, behavioral, and mental disorders. They include. But are not limited to: depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, conduct, and eating disorders. Serious emotional disturbances for children and adolescents refer to the above disorders when they severely disrupt daily functioning in home, school, or community. According to studies by Health N. I. (2003), in early to middle childhood, mental illness affects about 1 in 10 children. In adolescent years, the number doubles to 1 in 5 young people. During adolescence, many biological changes are taking place as the child becomes an adult. Many of these changes are physical but emotional, social and psychological changes take place as well. Adolescence in itself brings on emotional highs and lows similar to the symptoms of bi-polar manic depressive disorder. Therefore proper diagnosis of some mental illnesses, unless somewhat severe, can go unnoticed and undetected. In children and adolescents, the most frequently diagnosed mood disorders are major depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder, and bipolar disorder. Because mood disorders such as depression substantially increase the risk of suicide, suicidal behavior is a matter of serious concern for clinicians who deal with the mental health problems of children and adolescents. The incidence of suicide attempts reaches a peak during the mid-adolescent years, and mortality from suicide, which increases steadily through the teens, is the third leading cause of death at that age (CDC, 1999; Hoyert et al. , 1999). Although suicide cannot be defined as a mental disorder, the various risk factors, especially the presence of mood disorders, that predispose young people to such behavior are given special emphasis in this section, as is a discussion of the effectiveness of various forms of treatment. The evidence is strong that over 90 percent of children and adolescents who commit suicide have a mental disorder. Bipolar manic-depressive disorder is a mood disorder in which episodes of mania alternate with episodes of depression. According to the surgeon general, frequently, the condition begins in adolescence. The first manifestation of bipolar illness is usually a depressive episode. The first manic features may not occur for months or even years thereafter, or may occur either during the first depressive illness or later, after a symptom-free period (Strober et al. , 1995). The clinical problems of mania are very different from those of depression. Adolescents with mania or hypomania feel energetic, confident, and special; they usually have difficulty sleeping but do not tire; and they talk a great deal, often speaking very rapidly or loudly. They may complain that their thoughts are racing. They may do schoolwork quickly and creatively but in a disorganized, chaotic fashion. When manic, adolescents may have exaggerated or even delusional ideas about their capabilities and importance, may become overconfident, and may be uninhibited with others; they start numerous projects that they do not finish and may engage in reckless or risky behavior, such as fast driving or unsafe sex. Sexual preoccupations are increased and may be associated with promiscuous behavior. Reactive Depression, also known as adjustment disorder with depressed mood, is the most common form of mood problem in children AND adolescents. In children suffering from reactive depression, depressed feelings are short-lived and usually occur in response to some adverse experience, such as a rejection, a slight, a letdown, or a loss. In contrast, children may feel sad or lethargic and appear preoccupied for periods as short as a few hours or as long as 2 weeks. However, mood improves with a change in activity or an interesting or pleasant event. These transient mood swings in reaction to minor environmental adversities are not regarded as a form of mental disorder. All in all, I have concluded that it is definitely more likely for mental illness symptoms to surface during

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Aspartame and Holland Sweetener Co.

27-Feb Bitter Competition: The Holland Sweetener Co. vs. NutraSweet (A) (HBS 9-794-079) 1. How should Vermijs expect NutraSweet to respond to the Holland Sweetener Company’s entry into the European and Canadian aspartame markets? Ans: 1. NutraSweet had a very high Cost of Goods Sold in producing the Aspartame. So it was not a wise move for NutraSweet goes for Price war with Holland Sweetener Company, which might possibly results in a negative gain on the product. . Even though price war is not expected, NutraSweet possibly might use his advantage as the first one introducing the market to continue dominated the market. NutraSweet might also increase its advertisement expense to reintroduce and redirect consumers’ interest back to NutraSweet. 3. In response to Holland’s sue against the company; NutraSweet might probably try their best to fight against it, since they wanted to continuously dominate the soft drink industry.However, even though NutraSweet succeed to defend its anti-competitive, if Holland Sweetener Company or other sweeteners offered a rather better price, similar quality, and comparable distribution offer, in a long run, the drink industry might go to the use of multi-sweetener to lower the suppliers’ control power and to follow government’s suggestion. 4. Since the market shares for NutraSweet will drop with the entry of Holland Sweetener and other Sweetener companies, NutraSweet may expect a sales decrease. Thus, NutraSweet will continue to improve their operation to make it more profitable. . Specifically, how should Vermijs assess the relative likelihood of the two scenarios—price war and normal competition—he has in mind? Price war Anw: Vermijs can use game theory to assess the relative likelihood (N -0. 7, H-0. 3) Holland Enter the Market Normal (N 0. 6, H 0. 4) Nutra Holland did not enter the Market (Nutra 1, Holland 0) When Vermijs think about the likelihood of the two scenarios, he needs to stand in NutraSweet’s shoes to think what Holland will do. If Holland did not enter the market, then Holland will get nothing.But if Holland enter the Market, there’s 50% chance Holland will get some revenue. So Holland will enter the market. When Holland enter the market, Nutra had price war, then they both lost revenue, but if Nutra just normally compete with Holland, then at least Nutra still have positive revenue gain. So Nutra will not start a price war. 3 Other Notes: NutraSweet once reached 711 million for Aspartame business from 1965 to 1987 (patents’ expiration in European and Canadian market); 1986, Holland Sweetener Company prepare to enter this market.NutraSweet’s decision: Normal competition & Price war. NutraSweet has limited production capacity, which hinders the growth of sales and limited their profit; so either NutraSweet increase more capacity to expand their market shares, or after the expiration of exclusivity, let other company get in. Extensive advertising led to wide use of Aspartame by food/beverage manufacturer. Huge price discount first to raise awareness and then put its foot onto soft drink and powdered drink industry.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Prin of Human Resource Mgmt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Prin of Human Resource Mgmt - Essay Example Now, more than ever America needs collective bargaining because of the economic and financial crisis it faces. It will help produce efficiency and fairness since the workers’ voice is being heard (Clong , par 15). The goal of the decalogue is â€Å"to lead organizations on a sure path to dramatically improving their performance† (Lapore and Cohen , par 3). It aims to â€Å"provide organizations with conceptually powerful guidelines to manage any organization systematically† (Intelligent Management Inc. , par 1). The ten steps of the decalogue are â€Å"1) establish the goal of the system, the units of measurement and the operational measurements; 2) understand the system; 3) make the system stable; 4) build the system around the constraint; 5) manage the constraint; 6) reduce the variation of the constraint; 7) create a suitable management structure; 8) eliminate the external constraint; 9) bring the constraint inside the organization and fix it; and 10) create a continuous learning program† (Intelligent Management Inc. 1). ãÆ' » To manage effectively and be able to undertake continuous improvement, managers must have the ability to understand the organization as a system. Define a system and provide a simple example of a system. A system is â€Å"a network of interdependent components that work together (to try) to accomplish the aim of the system† (Intelligent Management Inc. , par 1). A system must have an objective or goal. An example of a system is the iPhone 4 marketing system. The goal is to sell a certain number of iPhone 4s. There are several constraints that affect the system such as the demand for the product, which is an external constraint, and the production capacity of the factory, which is an internal constraint. The precise responsibility of the manager in the decalogue is to be able to link the three faculties of the mind, i.e. the intuition,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

How I can enrich the University of Boulder's diverse and inclusive Personal Statement

How I can enrich the University of Boulder's diverse and inclusive community and what are my hopes for my college experience - Personal Statement Example Since my parents raised me to be a pacifist and use my words instead of my fists or angry facial expressions while I try to get an important message across to others, I learned to develop a soft spoken way of dealing with even the worst of my opponents. This soft spoken way of mine has allowed me to easily find a way to get along with others because I learned how to become a very good listener who, rather than engaging in a lengthy debate or argument, would rather find a common ground that we could agree on and get along with each other based upon that. It is not difficult to get along with people once you learn how to listen and compromise. I fully intend to share those character traits of mine with my classmates in the hopes of helping narrowing the communication gap between the haves and have not students on campus. I also wish to become involved in various student organizations and clubs while I am enrolled at UCB. My parents raised me to become a leader rather than a follower but that is not to mean that I will find it difficult to become a follower instead. Rather, I will always work with the group towards the betterment of our activities and the promotion of our group mission, vision, and objectives at all times. I feel that by participating in this activity, I will also be able to help other new students ease into college life as well. My parents often praise me for being so persistent about anything that I wish to undertake and accomplish as a person. They say that persistence seems to be my middle name in this case and it is not something that they tried to quash in my personality because my persistence always resulted in my learning to become a better person based upon my failures or successes in life. I grant that most people would describe me to be a perfectionist in life. I cannot help it. I believe it comes from my being so persistent about things that need to get done. I will

Saturday, July 27, 2019

A critical review of one other poster Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A critical review of one other poster - Essay Example Significant adoption and implementation of business expansion and business operation strategies in several countries helped the organization to increase its overall market share. On the other hand, Volkswagen can be considered as one of the leading automobile manufacturers and distributors in global market places. Both these organizations are strong brand names within the respective industries in this global market place. Volkswagen entered into the emerging Indian market in the year 2011. Since then the organization adopted and implemented several unique business operation strategies in order to attain significant growth rate in Indian market. The demand for both fuel efficient and luxury automobiles has significantly increased among the Indian customers in the beginning of 21st century. Most importantly, demand for fuel efficient cars drastically increased among the Indians due to their price sensitive mentality (Kotler, 2008, p.59). The management of Volkswagen understood this demand quite significantly. They introduced vehicles in India under the big brand names, such as Skoda, Audi, Bentley and Lamborghini. This strategy helped the organization to gain huge brand image in India. Therefore, this business operation strategy can be considered as one of Volkswagen’s major strengths in Indian market. Innovative marketing, brand awareness strategy, product innovation and innovative business ope ration process can be considered as its other major strengths. Effective capitalization on vehicle financing opportunity helped Volkswagen to arrange sufficient financial resources in Indian market. In addition to this, capitalization of advanced technological resources and eco-friendly business operation practices helped Volkswagen to gain positive brand image in Indian market. Adaptation and implementation of these strategies helped Volkswagen to enhance its

Reaction paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 46

Reaction paper - Essay Example They had cultural loyalty and were considered as underclass (Gonzalez 98). Puerto Ricans, on the other hand, went mainstream. They fully assimilated into the Central American culture. However, they were also considered as underclass. The government policies in Central America made it easy for the Puerto Ricans to adapt to their culture since they were their protectorate (Gonzalez 114). However, the policies in the Caribbean were much harder for them to adapt because of harsh government policies. The population profile and community structure of the Caribbean population was that they lived in isolation. This is due to the fact that they chose to remain loyal to their culture (Gonzalez 116). The population profile and community structure of the Central American population was that they lived in harmony. The reception of the Caribbean migration made them economically marginalized and politically disenfranchised. They were also considered as underclass individuals, who did everything that the underclass did (Gonzalez 120). The Puerto Ricans maintained their class since the United States declared them a protectorate, unlike the Caribbean population who where detached from the labor

Friday, July 26, 2019

What people addicted to TV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

What people addicted to TV - Essay Example In effect, these actions often lead to excessive cravings regardless of their nature. In this case, the activities can be physical and not physical. One such activity is the addiction that people have to the television. Gradually, the suggestion that the television set can be addictive is increasingly becoming true with various studies suggesting various reasons that make televisions addictive. In view of the foregoing, this expose addresses the various reasons that make the television addictive. TV addiction can affect any person in the society despite their age, position in the society, and their background. In this regard, parents will tend to complain of their child’s addiction to the television while also worrying about their own addiction to the television. As an emphasis to the level of addiction, the grip of the television extends even to researchers who study people’s addiction to the set. In this case, a researcher from the University of California, who devoted his life studying the television, observed that he watched the television even in incidents that required concentration (Kubey and Csikszentmihalyi). In effect, this indicates that a person is at a risk of addiction to the television despite their age and position in society. In an experiment conducted by Kubey and Csikszentmihalyi, the findings indicated that people who watched the television appeared relaxed and passive when watching the television. In addition, the experiment discovered that turning off the television set contributed to the loss of the feeling of relaxation while the state of being passive continued. A previous study, which used electroencephalograph (EER), supports these findings by indicating that people who watched the television showed less mental simulation unlike those who were reading (Kubey and Csikszentmihalyi). Naturally, it is obvious that a human being will tend to engage in an activity that contributed to relaxation. In addition, it is evident

Thursday, July 25, 2019

APN Role Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

APN Role - Essay Example Core APN Competencies The APN is a group of nurse practitioners that includes nurses holding a post graduation in nursing as per the advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) (Jansen & Zwygart-Stauffacher, 2010; APRN Joint Dialogue Group, 2008). The group ensures a vital role in the future of the health care industry. Contextually, it has been affirmed that there are certain core competencies that together form an efficient and effective APN nurse (Joel, 2013). They are illustrated in detail hereunder. Expert Coaching and Guidance An APN nurse should have the leadership skills to initiate guidance or mentorship in given point of time. This means the nurse should be able to put her vision into action while associating with a particular health care unit. He/she should also need to acquire the skills including proper education, expertise in clinical content and implementation of proper learning principles among others to incorporate the competency (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy & O'Grady, 2013; Bryant-Lukosius, DiCenso, Browne, & Pinelli, 2004). Consultation This is a vital competency to be acquired not only for APN but also for any other health care professional. ... Research Skills In accordance to these competencies, the APN should have the ability to research more and more with regard to derive a thorough understanding. In this regard, evidence-based programs of teachings and implementation of evidence-based literature for clinical practices would be vital aspects to be considered (Cooke, Gemmill & Grant, 2008). Clinical and professional leadership This competency of the APN requires the nurses to act as a change agent in certain cases and advocate for patients. Furthermore, he/she should require acting as a leader in certain circumstances, initiating any decisions of change (Cooke, Gemmill & Grant, 2008). Collaboration Working in collaboration with the members of the health is among the common competencies of an APN. Respecting the work and contribution of the colleagues is a prime requirement in accordance to this competency (Cooke, Gemmill & Grant, 2008) Ethical Decision-Making skills This is an integral part not only for APN but also for a ny other profession. APN’s should act as a moral agent by generating an ethical environment abiding certain principles and fidelity (Cooke, Gemmill & Grant, 2008). Summary of an APN Outcome Research Study The study of Cooke, Robin Gemmill and Marcia Grant (2008) naming â€Å"APN Core Competencies: A Framework for Developing and Testing an APN Discharge Intervention† depicts a vital aspects regarding APN significance. The APN concerning to the research study, conducted various self-care activities to examine the complications that arise in a discharge patient after transplantation. In this stand, it has been further discussed that, core competencies of APN like guidance, consultation, research skills, clinical leadership, collaboration as well as

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The event of Holocaust Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The event of Holocaust - Research Paper Example The researcher states that when one examines the history of the 20th century, many human sufferings and even massacres and large-scale cold-blooded executions come into mind but the most outstanding of them all is the holocaust. The holocaust was the massive destruction or the genocide of about 6 million European Jews and other ethnic minorities during the World War II giving a total of approximately 10 million deaths. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi government targeted ethnic minorities residing in Europe and this included the Jews, the Romani, Soviet civilians, Soviet prisoners of war, the Sinti and the Polish. They also extended their hatred to homosexuals, political and religious opponents, Jehovah’s witnesses and the disabled regardless of whether they were of foreign or German ethnic origin. Of all these groups of people, the Jews were the main target and they comprised almost half the numbers killed. Out of the nine million Jews who lived in Europe at that time, approximately six million of them died inclusive of close to 1 million children. The holocaust was a state-sponsored murder propagated by the Nazi government and it basically involved the killing of the various target groups. The event took place in the Nazi-occupied territory. This persecution and removal of German Jews begun almost immediately the Nazis came to power. This was in January 1933. The holocaust killings were driven by the idology that represented Nazi’s illusion that there was an international Jewish conspiracy to rule and control the world. This made this event such a large scale event in the history of man in that the murders were conducted in almost territories of Nazi which represent 35 separate European countries. Four main distinctive features about the genocide are institutional collaboration, scale and ideology, use of extermination camps and medical experiments. The genocide was carried out in stages starting from 30th January 1933 to 8th May 8, 1945 and the killin gs were conducted through various ways. Concntration camps were set up for confining the Jews. The Jews who were forcefully being moved from their homes were put together in these camps. The inmates were then used as slaves until they died of exhaustion. In these camps, they received no medical attention and some of them died of disease. Initially, these camps were to act as temporary residence for Jews awaiting relocation to areas outside Europe including former colonial powers and Africa. In some places like Poland, they were places for containing the Jews so that they could give labour force to the German war industry. Despite this, the Germans had a plan of eliminating the Jews finally and so the camps were set near railroads. Here, thousands died from disease, starvation, maltreatment and starvation. There is therefore no doubt that forced labour was an extermination tool. A model of destruction through work. Since the emergence of Third Reich, the concentration camps turned in to incineration places or extermination camps. The Third Reich required the Romani and the Jews to be assembled and confined in overcrowded ghettos awaiting from where they were transported by cargo or freight train to extermination camps. These journeys were horrific and many of the died on the way. Many of those who survived the journey were systematically murdered in gas chambers. These camps were equipped with several gas chambers for conducting mass extermination and this is one unique feature of the holocaust. By 1942, 6 large extermination camps had been set up in the Nazi-occupied Poland and as many as 15,000 camps and sub-camps in the Germany occupied nations. Another group of Jews and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Organizational behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Organizational behaviour - Essay Example Employees help in the decision making power and their insight is valued in the organization. The employee insight is important because often employees have a better idea of dealing with problems in the organization because they face such problems on a daily basis. Also employees perform well in cultures which’ nurtures and supports them and helps them to work towards the achievement of their ambition’ (Business Case Studies, n.d.). An example of this is Siemens that values its employees by motivating, monitoring and nurturing them. Organizational structure also has a strong impact on the performance on an organization. When the role and position of the employees are clearly mentioned, there is little conflict in the organization. Also employees understand their value in the organization which then motivates them to perform better in the organization. Organization culture and structure are inherently linked. When organizational structure is flat, it develops a high performance culture in the organization. When there is a high level of hierarchy present in the company, then the culture is often rigid. Rigid cultures prevent employees from developing attachment with the organization which effects overall performance of the employees. Business Case Studies, n.d. Creating a high performance culture: A Siemens case study, Retrieved from

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Man at the Well Essay Example for Free

The Man at the Well Essay Some say it’s not what we do but what we don’t do that can truly define who we are. In the tenth chapter, â€Å"The Man at the Well†, from Tim O’Brien’s memoir, If I die in a Combat Zone, O’Brien manages to portray one of the most powerful messages throughout his entire journey. It’s about American ignorance, the inability to help those in need, the true meaning of humanity and whether we, as a population, are capable to break down barriers and walls that we, ourselves, have constructed. â€Å"A blustery and stupid soldier, blond hair and big belly, picked up a carton of milk and from fifteen feet away hurled it, for no reason, aiming at the old man and striking him flush in the face. The carton burst. Milk sprayed into the old man’s cataracts. He hunched foreword, rocking precariously and searching for his balance. He dropped his bucket. His hands went to his eyes then dropped loosely to his thighs. His blind gaze was fixed straight ahead, at the stupid soldier’s feet† (Page 100). O’Brien’s language it’s purposefully proposed and constructed to paint one of the most vivid images in the whole memoir. He creates a scene which the reader’s innovative mind engulfs and produces it into one of the most captivating and heart wrenching pictures easily shown like a movie in our own heads. His undeniable choice of descriptive words can’t help but have the effect of a film-like image flowing through the reader’s imagination. O’Brien uses this carefully disguised writing technique to ultimately grasp the hearts of his followers and use their sacrificing vulnerability to engrave a philosophical idea in their minds such as humanity’s opinion of right and wrong. â€Å"The Man at the Well† produces a foundation of shame and disbelief to think that a human being, an American soldier who is looked up to by children, Vietnamese and American, can fabricate such a hurtful scene. The audacity to even act out the horror and hate is appalling to any reader it makes he or she question the motives of several American soldiers and whether or not their morals are politically correct. It is a fine line between what is right and wrong there is little gray in a situation such as this. It’s clear the anecdote was an act of hatred. There was no question to whether the ignorance of the â€Å"stupid soldier† was right it was far past right. However why then, did no one do or say anything? Instead an audience watched as a man, a blind and elderly man, who voluntarily was helping them, suffered from one man’s intolerable actions. People are afraid and that fear creates a boundary. It changes people’s beliefs and ideas one thought always to be right and those ideas could change in an instance with the doubt fear carries. People come to a crossroads in their lives; where what they once thought their morals were, what they once thought they would stand up for is no longer because fear created a wall a wall that is unbearable to take down. It is a wall built in front of different people however sharing a common sense of right and wrong. These people cannot see past their own selfish fear to solve a crisis outside of themselves. If just a few attempted to demolish this imaginary roadblock the outcome could be greatly beneficial, however, it’s impossible to achieve unless people step outside of themselves and into a world they desire. The chapter argues one’s sense of humanity and the pressure that people feel and sometimes are burdened by. However, O’Brien places himself, as an author, in a position which he attempts to break down the wall. He asks you, â€Å"What is and what is not right? What are you going to do? Stand there and watch? Or are you going to do something about it?† I found the section powerful, moving and inspirational, and even more so if those who did answer his underlying questions, answered with an optimistic, â€Å"yes we can do this† point of view.

Gileads strict laws Essay Example for Free

Gileads strict laws Essay In contrast, the presentation of Alison in The Millers Tale is of black humour, and an example of this is at the part near the end of the story where she humiliates Absolon, another interested suitor, in a very vulgar and insulting way. He tries to romantically pursue her but she is not very interested in him, and so when she is still with Nicholas in the house, she decides to stick her bottom out of the window for Absolon to kiss, instead of her face, which is what he had been expecting instead. Nicholas then decides to follow her example by sticking his own bottom out of the window, little knowing that an enraged Absolon had gone and come back with a scorching coulter, ready to burn Alison, but instead burns Nicholas. Despite her wild and unpleasant character, Alison is rather lucky to avoid and escape any punishment, and that it is all the men who are hankering after her, who instead become ill-fated in shameful and unfortunate events. However, with Alison and Abigail both being women, they are already in difficult positions in life, as they are both members of the slightly less important gender in their times, and each have their own individual obstacles to overcome. Abigail Williams uses her power in The Crucible to whip up hysteria in the town during the crazy period of the Salem witch trials. Her involvement starts after she has a short lived sexual affair with John Proctor whilst she is working as a house servant at his home. Whilst John is in it just to fulfil some of his needs that he is not receiving at that time from his sick wife Elizabeth, Abigail sees it a lot more than just a fling. After what we know about her troubled life and what she has been through, its no surprise really that Abigail feels lonely and would jump at any chance she could have of some passion, love and affection, something she probably hadnt felt in a long time, if at all. When Elizabeth finds out about the affair, she throws Abigail out of the house, who then goes on to live with her uncle, Reverend Parris. Even after John has discontinued the lechery with her, Abigail still wont stop trying to pursue him. She even goes so far as to manipulate Reverend Parriss slave Tituba into using her black magic in the forest to cast a spell of death on to Elizabeth. This is rather shocking that someone could be so cruel enough to actually wish death upon someone else just to get something of theirs that they wanted and didnt really deserve. Tituba is probably the only other person in the play with a lower status than Abigail, since she is in the unfortunate position of being a black female slave. After Reverend Parris witnesses them with many other girls in the forest seemingly practicing witchcraft, they are all sent to court to be trialled. Abigail does not stop there in her quest to eliminate Elizabeth, so she decides to use the trial as an opportunity to accuse Elizabeth of witchcraft in order to get her hanged. This whole vendetta of Abigails against Elizabeth Proctor is all mainly based on jealousy, and she does not care who gets hurt in her goal to get at Elizabeth and win over John Proctor. Ironically enough, it is John himself who sacrifices himself at the end of the play for his pregnant wife, by confessing to witchcraft and being sentenced to death. Elizabeth Proctor herself is a rather decent and loving woman, who shows bravery, loyalty and strength. She does form a strong dislike for Abigail, which is understandable though since she had been her husbands mistress whilst working as housekeeper at their home and Elizabeth also says to her husband She [Abigail] wants me dead, John. She seems to have much faith in her marriage, since she is willing to make it work between them by trying to forgive her husband for the affair. She even decides to protect his good reputation by not letting the court know about his adultery. She also tells John Proctor at the end of the play that she is partly to blame for his cheating, since she admits to being a cold wife (being not sexually responsive) who could have treated him a lot better. Elizabeth is another character who breaks a female stereotype, but in a very different way to Alison, as she is expected to always agree to sex but does not always. We can sympathise with Elizabeth because of the fact that she had been ill and was betrayed by her own husband, who had committed one of the worst moral crimes that a husband could do to his wife. She is evidently very hurt by it, and it would have taken a lot of strength for her to forgive him and move on. The positions of women in The Handmaids Tale are very different to that of where women rank in The Millers Tale and The Crucible. Whilst women may have fewer rights than men in the other two stories, it is really nothing in contrast to the way women are treated in The Handmaids Tale, where women really seem to have it the worst in the very chauvinistic and patriarchal society. The women of Gilead are divided into different groups and ranks. The legitimate groups of women include the Handmaids, the Wives (of commanders), the Aunts, who train and supervise the Handmaids, and the Marthas, unmarried infertile women who are solely involved with domestic work. And they are the lucky ones; the illegitimate women are mainly unwomen, such as those who are sterile, feminist or socially deviant. The Handmaids Tale by Margaret Atwood is about a dystopian world where many women are taken captive as Handmaids, and they are used by the government of the Republic of Gilead, a fictional country within the borders of the United States of America, to help continue the human race. These Handmaids are the only women left who are fertile, and it is their duty to become pregnant by their assigned Commanders and have their babies, since the Commanders wives cannot bear children themselves. In the society in this book, women are blamed for everything when it comes to conception and childbirth; it is always thought to be the womans fault, any fault of the man is never even considered. Offred is one of the Handmaids, and she is the main protagonist and narrator of this book, telling us her personal touching story of what she experiences in this controlling world. Offred, like all the others Handmaids, is being controlled by this strict totalitarian regime that is based on religion. Firstly, she is forcibly removed from her own family, her husband Luke and their young daughter. Earlier in the plot, the three of them had tried to escape across the border, but unfortunately they were all caught and separated from each other. Their daughter is taken away for adoption, whilst it is unknown what really happened to Luke. Offred is missing them tremendously and is frequently thinking about them and narrating these thoughts throughout the novel; she wonders where her daughter is now and what she looks like, and she wonders where Luke might be and whether he is even still alive or not. All this information she tells us about her family gives us an idea of her background, and we have very good reasons to sympathise with her. Compelled by the regime into training as a Handmaid, they do all they can to strip her of her identity. They remove her name and give her the new slave name of Offred, meaning Of Fred, as she is now belonging to and property of a Commander named Fred. Other Handmaids are also given new names in the same way, such as Ofglen and Ofwarren. Unlike like some of the other Handmaids, we are not directly told what Offreds real name is, though it is implied at the end of Chapter One that her name is June, since all the names listed apart from that one are accounted for at some point in the novel. This treatment of the Handmaids makes it seem as if they are animals, or objects. In addition, all the Handmaids wear a uniform of red draping garments, symbolic of several relevant things such as menstruation, childbirth and sexual sin. The clothes are also designed to cover up the curves and shape of the womanly body, in order to preserve modesty, much in the same way as many Muslim women do today. We get a deeper insight into Offreds dreary and shocking job when she bluntly describes the ceremony. The way she describes it is that the Commander is fucking her, and that no other word or phrase, such as making love, copulation or rape, fit the situation quite rightly. And the commanders wife has to dutifully lie there with her and grip her hands, as if to pretend that it is she who is being fucked, and not Offred. This makes the situation all the more bizarre and uncomfortable for everyone involved. Out of all the female characters that we are focusing on, Offred is probably the most sympathetic. She arguably has the most difficult lifestyle to tolerate and suffer, but she mainly follows what is expected of her out of her society, and hardly does anything erroneous. The only few times she does deviate from Gileads strict laws is when she has an illicit affair with Nick, the Commanders chauffer, which is set up by Serena Joy in order to increase Offreds chances of conceiving a child, as Serena Joy herself believes that her husband could be infertile, even though this is against the law for anyone to think. Offred proves to be the only heroine out all our female characters, since Abigail and Alison are both villainous antagonists in their respective stories.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Febrile Neutropenia Case Study

Febrile Neutropenia Case Study Consent: The patient consented for the use of the details of the illness in this report. 2.1 Patient History 2.1.1 History of disease Mr DW is a 50yr old male who was admitted to hospital on the 12th of February after suffering from nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea the previous day. He reported vomiting about 3-4 times during the day but only very small amounts of vomitus as he felt too unwell to eat anything but very small amounts of food. This was on a background of a 5-month history of multiple myeloma (MM), as well as chemotherapy induced pancytopenia. He received a Melphalan peripheral blood stem cell transplant on the 8th of February 4 days prior to his current admission His symptoms were managed by medication, but on the 15th of February he had a spike in temperature overnight. His mucous membranes became mildly erythematous on the 14th of February. He has experienced no other symptoms and overall his symptoms have gradually improved during his stay. 2.1.2 Past Medical History Relevant past medical history includes multiple myeloma which was diagnosed on the 9th of September 2016 which he has been undergoing chemotherapy for. He also received an autologous stem cell transplant on the 8th of February 2017. At the time of the diagnoses, Mr DW presented with vertebral fractures and symptomatic anaemia. Mr DW also has pancytopenia which is a consequence of his chemotherapy. Aside from hospital admissions related to the aforementioned conditions, Mr DW has never been to hospital and has no other relevant past medical history. 2.1.3 Medications       Drug Name Dose Indication Aztreonam 2g, IV, 8 hourly Antibacterial Prophylaxis Fentanyl 25mcg/hr (transdermal modified release patch) 1 patch, every 3 days Pain Fluconazole 200mg, 1 capsule, Oral, Daily Antifungal prophylaxis Metoclopramide 10mg, 2mL, IV, 8 hourly Nausea, vomiting Nystatin 1 tab, Oral, BD (twice a week) Antifungal prophylaxis Ondansetron 4-8mg, IV, 8 hourly Nausea, vomiting Pantoprazole 40mg, Oral, night Ulceration of oesophagus valaciclovir 10mg, Oral, bedtime Herpes Prophylaxis 2.1.4 Drug Allergies Penicillin Leaves the patient with a full body erythematous rash 2.1.5 Family History The patient had no family history of any conditions 2.1.6 Psychosocial History and Functional Status Mr DW is currently employed as a cinematographer and regularly has to travel around and to different states due to his line of work. He is a non-smoker, drinks approximately 1 or 2 standards in a fortnight and denies recreational drug use. He lives with his wife and 2 of his 5 children at his house and describes himself as feeling very well supported by his family. The diagnosis of multiple myeloma was a big shock for him and his family and he is quite concerned about his current prognosis. He stated that he has accepted it and is trying to stay positive and to continue living life as normally as possible. 2.2 Physical Examination Observation revealed a middle-aged man who was very bright, alert and sitting upright in a chair. Within the room there was a lot of flowers and cards. His vitals were normal (RR 18, SPO2 98% on RA, BP 115/75, HR 80, afrebile 37.4oC) On general inspection there was no visible bruising, scars, masses or other abnormalities except for some slight erythema around a PICC line on his right arm. His hands had no nicotine stains, nail changes or palmar erythema but there was palmar crease pallor. There was good dentition, mucous membranes were moist. 2.2.1 Cardiovascular Exam Pulse was palpable bilaterally and of normal rate and rhythm.Carotid pulse was strong in character. JVP was not elevated.Heart sounds dual no murmur.No audible bruits nor palpable thrills or heaves.No signs of peripheral oedema. 2.2.2 Respiratory Exam Trachea was midline.Chest expansion symmetrical and not reduced.Clear lung sounds throughout as well as normal percussion and vocal resonance.No signs of peripheral or central cyanosis. 2.2.3 Gastrointestinal Exam Abdomen was soft and non-tender.Spleen and kidneys not palpable.Liver of normal span (10cm)Bowel sounds were present. 2.3 Investigations X-ray Skeletal Survey Lungs and pleural spaces clear. Mediastinal contour and heart size are normal. Mild multi-level degenerative disc disease at the thoracic level. Normal everywhere else. Multiple small lytic lesions involving calvarium, proximal humeri and proximal femora bilaterally in keeping with MM Blood Cultures Results had not yet returned. Blood Test: Haematology WCC: 0.93*109/L (Low) Hb: 98 g/L (Low) PLT: 84*109/L (Low) HCT: 0.276 L/L (Low) MCV: 85.2 fL (Normal) RCC: 3.24*1012/L (Low) MCH: 29.9pg (Normal) MCHC: 351 g/L (Normal) Neutrophils: 0.89*109/L (Low) Lymphocytes: 0.03*109/L (Low) Monocytes: 0.00*109/L (Low) Eosinophils: 0.01*109/L (Low) *Non-listed results were within normal ranges 2.4 Diagnoses Based on his initial presentation and considering his recent stem cell transplant his treating team suspected his symptoms were likely to be due to side effects of his treatment as opposed to infection. Following the spike in temperature he was considered to have febrile neutropenia and was treated according to the guidelines (with a slight modification that shall be discussed later in report) and based on his symptoms as well as the mildly erythematous mouth Mr DW was considered to have mucositis. He is currently being managed with anti-emetics as well as prophylactic treatment considering his vulnerable state. They are also awaiting the results of blood cultures to ensure that he does not have any severe opportunistic infections. 3.1 Part A: Physiology Pancytopenia is an important entity encountered in regular clinical practice. It is not a disease but is instead a finding and can have multiple causes most of which primarily involve the bone marrow. Pancytopenia consists of a low haemoglobin count, low white cell count, and platelet count (Gayathri Rao, 2011). In Mr DWs case, his pancytopenia was caused by bone marrow suppression due to his chemotherapy treatment. 3.1.1 Platelet production and Megakaryocytopoiesis Currently the physiology of platelet production from megakaryocytes (MKs) are not perfectly understood. MKs are a type of nucleated bone marrow cells that studies have shown develop into polypoid structure via a process that is known as endomiosis followed by a maturation process before producing platelets in circulation (Machlus Italiano, 2013). Figure 1: Haematopoietic lineage(Deutsch Tomer, 2013) MKs are derived from haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) which are the precursors to all other blood cells (see Figure 1) and they themselves are derived from haemangioblasts. HSCs progress into becoming common myeloid progenitor cells (CMPs) that mature into either monocytes or granulocytes, or they can continue developing into MK-erythroid progenitor cells (MEPs) which go on to produce MKs (Deutsch Tomer, 2013). Figure 2: Platelet Production Pathway(Machlus Italiano, 2013) In the first phase of maturation MKs undergo nuclear proliferation and enlargement of their cytoplasm which is filled with platelet-specific granules as well as sufficient membrane to complete the platelet production process. The second phase involves MKs remodelling their cytoplasm into proplatelets and then into preplatelets which go on to release platelets through fission events (see Figure 2) (Machlus Italiano, 2013). There are a number of growth factors and interleukins that regulate the development of MKs but the primary and most potent one is thrombopoietin (a glycoprotein produced in the liver). It is crucial in the development and proliferations of HSCs as it stimulates the MKs to undergo hyperplasia and hypertrophy as well as stimulating the formation of the platelet projections from which release platelets into the circulation (Deutsch Tomer, 2013). 3.1.2 Erythropoiesis Erythrocytes are vital to the functioning of the human body as they transport oxygen to the tissues. As such the complex developmental process known as erythropoiesis has to be carefully regulated and managed (Luo et al., 2017). The process mainly occurs within bone marrow and begins with the differentiation of HSCs into burst-forming-unit erythroid (BFU-E) cells which are the earliest erythroid progenitors (see Figure 3). These cells then go onto become the colony-forming-unit erythroid (CFU-E) cells which undergo further differentiation and maturation to become mature erythrocytes (Luo et al., 2017). Figure 3: Overview of Erythropoiesis(Hattangadi, Wong, Zhang, Flygare, Lodish, 2011) Erythropoietin is produced in the kidneys and acts as one of the most important physiological regulators of erythropoiesis. It is produced primarily in response to hypoxic conditions detected by specialised interstitial cells in the outer medulla and inner cortex of the kidneys. Erythropoietin regulates erythrocyte production, prevents apoptosis and controls the rate of release. It also acts on CFU-Es (see Figure 3) which then go on to become proerythroblasts (Hattangadi et al., 2011). These cells undergo maturation to eventually become polychromatic, basophilic, and orthochromatic erythroblasts. The orthochromatic erythroblasts differentiate to reticulocytes and become mature erythrocytes (Luo et al., 2017). Mr DWs pancytopenia is consistent with myelosuppression and is a common side effect of chemotherapy treatment. Normally HSCs from which blood cells develop are capable of self-renewal but chemotherapy affects cells within the bone marrow and greater numbers of HSCs are needed to be activated. Unfortunately, with the diminished capability production of the myeloid cell lines is unable to keep up and leads to low counts which is reflected in Mr DWs blood tests (see investigations) as he has low amounts of white cells, red cells and platelets. Unlike other conditions where there may be infiltration of bone marrow he still makes normal cells but just in a diminished amount, consequently, he has normal mean cell volume, mean platelet volume and mean corpuscular haemoglobin. 3.2 Part B: Health Policies Fever in neutropenic patients occurs frequently early in a course of chemotherapy and in diseases which disrupt the bone marrow. In these cases fever could be considered a medical emergency as it requires immediate evaluation as well as the use empiric broad-spectrum antibiotics (Lyman Rolston, 2010). Patients with febrile neutropenia have mortality rates ranging from 5% 20% and mortality rates can be greater than 50% in patients who develop septic shock or pneumonia even with the use of antibiotic treatment (Kuderer, Dale, Crawford, Cosler, Lyman, 2006). The importance of managing febrile neutropenia swiftly and as effectively as possible cannot be understated and as such the guidelines around this area are extremely important. 3.2.1 Prince of Wales Febrile Neutropenia Guidelines Figure 4: Prince of Wales Initial Management of Febrile Neutropenia Guidelines(Health, 2015) The Prince of Wales hospital where Mr DW presented has a specific guideline for initial management of febrile neutropenia. Since he has a severe penicillin allergy he was treated following the guidelines with Aztreonam but his treating team chose to differ from the guidelines and gave him Vancomycin immediately. Mr DW did not have any of the indicators for the use of vancomycin (see Figure 4) but during a discussion with the treating team it became apparent that they believed it was safer and resulted in overall better outcomes to begin patients on vancomycin immediately. As such they believed that vancomycin should be used immediately in cases with any penicillin allergy and used following the dosing guidelines when theres no penicillin allergy. 3.2.2 Use of Empiric Antimicrobial Therapy In terms of the use of empiric antimicrobial therapy in the initial management of febrile neutropenia the Prince of Wales guidelines essentially perfectly follow the national recommendations. The changes that Mr DWs treating team wished to make to the guidelines is at odds with the current literature and guidelines (Freifeld et al., 2011; Paul, Dickstein, Borok, Vidal, Leibovici, 2014). Based on most studies into this topic, non-selective use of vancomycin reduced relative risk of mortality but was not found to be significant and there also was no significant difference in overall 30-day patient mortality (Lugtenberg, Burgers, Westert, 2009; Paul et al., 2014). 3.2.3 Recommendations The Prince of Wales guidelines closely adhere to the national guidelines and what the current literature deems as the most effective (Freifeld et al., 2011; Paul et al., 2014). Even so, its clear that the treating team for Mr DW felt that the current guidelines were inaccurate. It is difficult to assess which version is more effective specifically for the population they are dealing with at the Prince of Wales hospital but based on current research following the current guidelines (as opposed to modifying them) appears to be the best course of action (Lugtenberg et al., 2009). That being said, in specific cases where the specialists in this area strongly feel that they should act differently it may be best to defer to their experience and expertise. This assignment has been an interesting and thought-provoking experience. The most surprising thing I found was how the views of the treating team differed from the guidelines. I realised I place a lot of value upon their views and thus was very surprised when looking at the literature as it seemed to be contradict what they told me. Its clear that I was biased at the beginning but even after researching this topic Im still unsure if there is a correct view or side. Although, what this whole process has taught me is that more research, consultation, and evaluation in regards to current treatment guidelines and policies still can and should be done. This time around when doing the assignment again I tried to ensure that I took the advice and feedback on my previous assignment seriously. Finding a patient was difficult and I ended up with a patient that had similar aspects to a previous assignment but I tried to explore different aspects and it also allowed me to incorporate things that I did not include previously. There have been issues and difficulties with writing this assignment but I feel that overall, its been quite rewarding and that I hope to maintain a higher level of quality in my work going into the future. References             Deutsch, V. R., Tomer, A. (2013). Advances in megakaryocytopoiesis and thrombopoiesis: from bench to bedside. British Journal of Haematology, 161(6), 778-793. doi:10.1111/bjh.12328 Freifeld, A. G., Bow, E. J., Sepkowitz, K. A., Boeckh, M. J., Ito, J. I., Mullen, C. A., . . . Wingard, J. R. (2011). Clinical practice guideline for the use of antimicrobial agents in neutropenic patients with cancer: 2010 update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clinical infectious diseases, 52(4), e56-e93. Gayathri, B. N., Rao, K. S. (2011). Pancytopenia: A Clinico Hematological Study. Journal of Laboratory Physicians, 3(1), 15-20. doi:10.4103/0974-2727.78555 Hattangadi, S. M., Wong, P., Zhang, L., Flygare, J., Lodish, H. F. (2011). From stem cell to red cell: regulation of erythropoiesis at multiple levels by multiple proteins, RNAs, and chromatin modifications. Blood, 118(24), 6258. Health, N. (2015). Initial Management of Febrile Neutropenia. Retrieved from Http://www.seslhnweb/powh/policies/default.asp Kuderer, N. M., Dale, D. C., Crawford, J., Cosler, L. E., Lyman, G. H. (2006). Mortality, morbidity, and cost associated with febrile neutropenia in adult cancer patients. Cancer, 106(10), 2258-2266. doi:10.1002/cncr.21847 Lugtenberg, M., Burgers, J. S., Westert, G. P. (2009). Effects of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines on quality of care: a systematic review. Quality and Safety in Health Care, 18(5), 385. Luo, S.-T., Zhang, D.-M., Qin, Q., Lu, L., Luo, M., Guo, F.-C., . . . Wei, Y.-Q. (2017). The Promotion of Erythropoiesis via the Regulation of Reactive Oxygen Species by Lactic Acid. Scientific Reports, 7, 38105. doi:10.1038/srep38105 http://www.nature.com/articles/srep38105#supplementary-information Lyman, G. H., Rolston, K. V. I. (2010). How We Treat Febrile Neutropenia in Patients Receiving Cancer Chemotherapy. Journal of Oncology Practice, 6(3), 149-152. doi:10.1200/JOP.091092 Machlus, K. R., Italiano, J. E. (2013). The incredible journey: From megakaryocyte development to platelet formation. The Journal of Cell Biology, 201(6), 785. Paul, M., Dickstein, Y., Borok, S., Vidal, L., Leibovici, L. (2014). Empirical antibiotics targeting Gramà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ positive bacteria for the treatment of febrile neutropenic patients with cancer. The Cochrane Library.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

industrial revolution :: essays research papers

The Industrial revolution was a time of drastic change and transformation from hand tools, and hand made items to machine manufactured and mass produced goods. This change helped life, but also hindered it as well. Pollution, such as CO2 levels in the atmosphere, rose, working conditions declined, and the number of women and children working increased. The government, the arts, literature, music and architecture and man's way of looking at life all changed during the period. Two revolutions took place, both resulting in productive but also dire consequences. Before the first industrial revolution, England's economy was based on its cottage industry. Workers would buy raw materials from merchants, take it back to their cottages, hence the name, and produce the goods at their home. It was usually was owned and managed by one or more people, who were generally close to the workers. There was a good worker/boss relationship, which was demolished and destroyed by capitalism. This industry was efficient but the workers productivity was low, making costs higher. The longer it took one person to manufacture a product, the higher the price. Subsequently, goods were high in price and exclusive only to the wealthy people. The year was 1733, the demand for cotton cloth was high, but production was low. This crisis had to be solved or England's economy would be hindered. The answer came from a British weaver, John Kay, who invented and fashioned the flying shuttle, which cut weaving time in half. John Kay was a pioneer and his invention paved the way for numerous inventors. Although at first, many workers didn't accept machines, in fact, many inventions were destroyed, but what was inevitable, couldn't be stopped. The machines had made their way to England, and nothing could stop them. By the 1750's, the industrial Revolution had begun. At first, inventions were strictly limited to cotton weaving. Inventions such as the spinning jenny and the water-powered frame, both of which provided spinning yarn faster, the spinning mule, the power loom and the cotton gin, all helped the manufacture of cotton goods by speeding up the process. Mass production had begun, along with capitalism. Capitalist, people who have their own materials, money and space, bought many machines and stored them in a factory, where hired people worked the whole day manufacturing goods. The factory system had replaced the cottage industry. Mass production made usually expensive items, such as shoes, less expensive and easily affordable by lower class and less wealthy people.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Coal :: Energy Resources Fossil Fuels Essays

Coal In the world today, Coal is one of the most used Fossil Fuels in America. The black gold, which I like to call it, affects America in so many different ways. Have no worries coal is no where from becoming extinct or replaced. "Coal will be popular big time, in 2005," says Jim Thompson, who edits the weekly report U.S. Coal Review out of Knoxville, Tenn. "There will be more test bums than ever." In Wyoming alone they shipped out over four hundred million tons. I can’t even imagine how large that quantity is. Coal is so useful and America depends on coal greatly (Gransbery). Coal is utilized for combustion, which benefits the Residential areas and Power Plants. The coal used for that is known as Bituminous coal. That can be found in the Appalachian Mountains and even some central states. This type of coal is used due to its high heating value and high sulfur content Coal is also capable of being converted into gaseous or liquid fuel. Before any of thi s can happen, we need to find the mother load of the coal. Another word for that is the reserves. The major reserves in America for coal are found in the Northern Great Planes, Texas and Gulf of Mexico. Fossil Fuels are known for making a mess and causing a lot of environmental problems. They can create some serious pollution to the environment. One of the worse air pollution episodes occurred in 1948. In Donora, Pa twenty were found dead and over six thousand became quite ill quickly. The main cause of this disaster was the due to the high concentrations of SO2. That is why it is important to do whatever you can to eliminate as much as the pollution factor as you can. Cleaning the coal before combustion pretreatment will reduce pollution and even when your done cleaning you can clean the stack gases after combustion. This is an often-missed step in the pollution elimination process. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham has a new idea why to clean the coal. This isn’t just for environment safety but he believes that it will be a major source of hydrogen in the years to come.

Secondhand Smoke :: Argumentative Persuasive Example Essays

How Secondhand Smoking Affects Us   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As most of you know, smoking is bad for your health, but what some of you might not know is that you don’t actually have to smoke to be harmed by smoking. Lung cancer, which is the leading cause of cancer deaths in men and women, is mainly caused by cigarette smoking. Secondhand smoking causes approximately 2 percent of lung cancer deaths each year. It causes respiratory disease, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), middle ear disease, and asthma attacks in children.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Imagine a room full of young, healthy second-graders with a Joe Camel cigarette in their hand, smoking; that is basically what secondhand smoking is like. It has toxic and carcinogenic effects that are practically the same as smoking a cigarette. Children from birth to 2 years of age are especially vulnerable to secondhand smoke because their lungs are not fully developed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The EPA estimates that secondhand smoking is responsible for between 150,000 and 300,000 lower respitory infections in infants and children under 18 months of age yearly, which result in between 7,500 and 15,000 hospitalizations each year. Children exposed to secondhand smoke are also more likely to have reduced lung function and symptoms like coughing, excess phlegm, and wheezing. Secondhand smoking can lead to a buildup of fluid in the middle ear, the most common cause of hospitalized children for an operation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Asthmatic children are especially at risk. Exposure to secondhand smoke increases the number of episodes and severity of symptoms in hundreds of thousands of asthmatic children. Between 200,000 and 1,000,000 asthmatic children have their condition worsened by secondhand smoke.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Candide in El Dorado

The Meaning of El Dorado and its contrast with the rest of the world: El Dorado appears to be the perfect utopia, for others it represents an unrealistic place to live. For Voltaire this world meant his entire desire and dream about the perfect society. Many critics note that El Dorado is only a huge extravaganza because it consisted of contradictory statements. The meaning of El Dorado is a vision of the perfect society and represents a false paradise impossible to attain or approach by the destructive human nature.El Dorado contrasts with the rest of the world because at the time Candide was written by Voltaire He lived in one important periods of the humanity, â€Å"The enlightenment†. Around him, he saw many injustices perpetrated by the principle institutions that lead the society at that time. The own desire of Candide to leave El Dorado was imposed by something that he knew; In El Dorado, everybody seems to be equal and a fortune in El Dorado means nothing compare to a fortune in the world where they came from.Furthermore, he needed to recover Miss Cunegonde. The superiority and the economic power that he will gain with the fortune from El Dorado will help him to get her back. Some aspects of El Dorado appear very attractive. The deistic religion that the old man describes, the obvious economic supremacy, the egalitarian practices of the king and the absence of public encounters seem to be the perfect society to emulate. El Dorado is the perfect society for Voltaire but the real thrust is that a perfect society like El Dorado is really hard to attain.The excessive exaggeration that Voltaire expresses in Candide makes some critics to think. Why if Candide always looked for the perfect world describes by his mentor Pangloss him and his servant didn’t remain in El Dorado. The answer described for many is that the Perfect Utopia lack of the reality. Shanley and Stillman point out that Voltaire makes constant use of exaggeration to suggest the e xcess of El Dorado: Building reach to clouds. The portal of the king’s palace is 220 feet high and 100 feet wide.Food served at the inn includes a 200-pound condor, 300 colibri hummingbirds on one platter and 600 hummingbirds on another. Such exaggerated sizes appear ludicrous; they also contrast sharply with Voltaire’s initial statement that the country is cultivated for pleasure as well as for need and that â€Å"everywhere the useful is attractive. † As we can see the exaggeration by Voltaire has no limit and in a real world probably cannot exist with such excess. The visions of El Dorado of a perfect society contrast because there are extreme inequalities.For instance, Candide and Cacambo talk to the old man, and this give them a carriage with twelve servants that indicate an exaggeration and also indicate the different social inequalities, if everybody is equal why does a man has many servant. On the other hand, the destructive human nature would never coex ist in a perfect world such as El Dorado. All life beings in the nature lacks of common sense. This is evident in the nature of animals. They fight for their territory and tries to be superior in any aspect of its life.Moreover, Shanley and Stillman believe that El Dorado contains many serious defects. These defects are marked by an irrelevant economic and social inequality, material extravaganza, and stunted human emotional and intellectual capabilities. They also state it is neither a completely good society nor one that human beings can recreate elsewhere. Subsequently, El Dorado seems to be the perfect place to live despite the critics for many authors. However, El Dorado is a very straight critic to the society in which Voltaire lived.The real society in which Voltaire lived is composed for many institutions that he attacks in various opportunities such as the church and the monarchy. For example, when Candide arrived to El Dorado and he sees that all the people believe in the same thing and there’s not a priest, no hierarchy, and all the people are equal. That’s a good strike from Voltaire to the church claiming that everybody must be equal. According with Dalnekoff, â€Å"El Dorado is a foil to the societies through which Candide has passed and will pass where the inquisition imposes a reign of terror, and poverty, corruption and oppression are everywhere to be found. (Utopia and Satire)In contrast of El Dorado with the contemporary system, we found that in the contemporary system much oppression and abuses have been committed and in El Dorado the inhabitants are very virtuous; they were a society with absence of many institutions. A very questionable point in Candide and his extraordinary optimism is why if he believes that everything obeys a divine pattern and all is for the best, why didn’t he remain in El Dorado?. Dalknekoff states that the motives given by Candide for departing are hardly worthy of commendation.His desire to b e richer than all those around him is certainly deplorable. (‘Impossible dream) As Dalknekoff said, motives that move all human beings are money and the desire for superiority. Moreover, Shanley and Stillman endorse Candide; who States â€Å"If we stay here, we shall only be like others†. If they leave, they can be powerful and wealthy. They can boast of their travels, and Candide can recover Cunegonde. In accordance with the authors above Candide’s motives to leave El Dorado are typical human motives.Now beside the fact that all human beings are always seeking fortune and good position of high status, we found another important element: the love for his dear Cunegonde. The love factor is a prominent aspect that can force a human to leave a perfect society like El Dorado. El Dorado seems to be the perfect place with an extremely beauty in all aspect. Candide had an extremely urge to leave this exotic paradise because he wants to reunite with his love Miss cunengo nde who was about to get married with another man.All the riches of El Dorado it wasn’t enough to attach Candide to El Dorado. On the other hand, Dalkenoff claims to stay in El Dorado would mean to escape from the evils of the real world rather than to face and deal with them. It is not in man’s imperfect nature to find happiness in such a perfect society; the best of all possible worlds is not being suites to man as he is. (Utopia and Satire) In accordance with Dalkenoff the human nature is moved by the everyday challenges and such perfection doesn’t look to be very attractive for Candide.After stayed thirty days in El Dorado Candide wants to return as soon possible to the extremely defective world outside. The Eldorado stones will only be of value to him in the defective world, where the people were stingy and greedy and they were measured by what they had. The  Stones and beauty of El Dorado oblige to encourage avarice and ambition in Candide, whose only pr evious idea was survive and his love for Miss Cunegonde Voltaire had an idea about the perfect society and he wanted transmit the idea to the principles institutions of his time.At the time Candide was written in 1759 Europe was in the middle of the Enlightenment period: According to Bristow The Enlightenment is the period in the history of western thought and culture, stretching roughly from the mid-decades of the seventeenth century through the eighteenth century, characterized by dramatic revolutions in science, philosophy, society and politics; these revolutions swept away the medieval world-view and ushered in our modern western world. (Bristow, par. 1)

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

African Americans: Fighting for Their Rights Essay

There has eer been a batch of give-and- compact ab off the intuition of African Americans in the media and how it affects their egotism- identicalness. It is simple to aim forth modelings of diverge in portraying African Americans in the media. So what exactly is it that the media does to bring turn come on these sorts, biases, and fancys that tend to stick with a lot of African Americans? The goal of this stem is to explore the distinct perceptions African Americans hurt g hotshot through, how it has given them a guts of double conscious(p)ness on life, where the media kitchen range of African Americans that has stuck with them for so presbyopic can, and pass on go from here.harmonize to the get together States numerate Bureau (2001), 12. 3% of solely raft reporting as wholeness pelt along report they were glowering or African American. This ethnic individualism is at a period the second biggest minority classify in the unify States. It as well as refers to a group of sight that has been in the United States for as long as it has existed. How incessantly, through the persecution of sla precise, the nonindulgence of segregation, and the continuing infralying prejudice, African Americans ar still searching for their consecutive identity. provided as children that were adopted tend to long for a true identity closely of their lives, so ar the heap of the African American. Stolen from their homeland and hale into slavery in a bran- smart dry land, African Americans were fundamentally victims of identity theft. Although a lot of establish has been made in the way of an American identity for African Americans, a true identity has non yet been found. According to W. E. B DuBois (1903) The accounting of the American pitch blackness is the accounting of this strifethis longing to assume self-conscious small-armhood, to merge his double self into a better and truer self (p.68). m what incessantly an(prenominal) Africa n Americans feel the same(p) as W. E. B. Du Bois when he speculates, After the Egyptian and Indian, the classical and Roman, the Teuton and Mongolian, the total darkness is a sort of single-seventh son, born(p) with a veil, and gifted with second-sight in this American humanness a world which yields him no true self-consciousness, sternlyly solo lets him see himself through the revelation of the former(a) world. He as well as states, One ever feels his twainness an American, a blackness, two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled arrives two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged forte alone keeps it from existence torn as under. A quick look at American narrative tops it easy to understand where this hang-up identity stems from because Du Bois claims that African Americans were always forced to see things through white eye scarce and non energise a vision of their own. In an effort to repeat Du Bois comment above, the terminology of twoness is real h im es check out to define double consciousness as a some different things 1 the power that white stereotypes scram on African Americans lives and alike having that internal conflict betwixt approximateing themselves as African and American simultaneously.2 it is a sense of awargonness of ones self along with the awargonness of how opposites whitethorn dig one. This in turn go forths to conformist based on level of power, which is basically what occurred. PBS African American adult male Timeline (2004) says that there is a bountiful history of not granting African Americans an identity. Before 1787, of course, African Americans were slaves and only thought of as property. In 1787 the U. S. Constitution was approved. It allowed for the continuation of the slave cope for anformer(a) 20 years and claimed that a slave counted as three-fifths of a man for original by the goernment.In 1865 close to progress was gained when the Thirteenth Amendment was passed, outlawing slave ry and creating a Freedmens Bureau to help out former slaves. Also in 1865 confederation General, William Sherman issued a field order pose up 40-acre plots of land in Georgia, siemens Carolina, and Florida for African Americans to settle. only if, in 1866, close to all-white legislatures in the former Confederate states passed what were know as, slow Codes harshly cutting the emancipation of African Americans and practically re-enslaving them.Since that condem nation there has been some progression and also some worry for African Americans. Based on the history of the United States treatment of African Americans, it is easy to understand how they could struggle for their true identity. crowd together Jones (1991) might say it best when he states, colour mortalality is in bit an adaptation to the political contours of racial discrimination. The conflict surrounded by the freedoms and remunerates of United States citizens is connected to the denial of freedom and righ t wings that is the history of the African American mien in this country.If we view personality as the resultant of coping pattern and enculturation directives, then black personality is, in part, the cumulative representation of the make of racism over four centuries. It reflects over time, the effects of the form and structure racism takes, and mystifys to signalise the nature of race relations at any slur in time (p. 305). This would lead to accepting of the fact that African Americans do, of course, give up an identity, besides a lot of the time it is dependent on the identity of White race at that time.Alain Locke (1925) explains the upward(a) moving and upbeat side of African American identity In the at long last decade something beyond the watch and apply of statistics has happened in the life of the American blackness and the three norms who subscribe conventionally presided over the Negro problem have a changeling in their laps. The Sociologist, The Philanthrop ist, the Race-leader are not unaware of the New Negro but they are at a loss to account for him. He yet now cannot be swathed in their formulae.For the younger generation is vivacious with a new psychology the new spirit is awake in the masses, and under the very eyes of the professional observers is transforming what has been a perennial problem into the progressive phases of modern-day Negro life. Could such(prenominal) a metabolism have taken place as suddenly as it has appeared to? The practice is no, not because the New Negro is not here, but because the Old Negro had long kick the bucket much(prenominal) of a myth than a man. The Old Negro, we must remember, was a marionette of moral debate and historical controversy.His has been a stock figure perpetuated as a historical fiction partly in innocent sentimentalism, partly in take reactions. The Negro himself has contributed his share to this through a sort of protective loving travesty forced upon him by the ad verse circumstances of dependence. So for generations in the mind of America, the Negro has been to a biger extent of a formula than a human creation a something to be argued about, condemned or defended, to be kept down, or in his place, or helped up, to be disquieted with or worried over, harassed or patronized, a social bogey or a social burden.The cerebration Negro even has been induced to share this same general attitude, to focus his attention on controversial issues, to see himself, in the kinky perspective of a social problem. His shadow, so to cover, has been much real to him than his personality. Through having had to entreaty from the unjust stereotypes of his op twingeors and Traducers to those of his liberators, friends and benefactors he has subscribed to the traditional positions from which his case has been viewed.Little true social or self-understanding has or could come from such a situation Until recently, lacking self-understanding, we have been al about a s much of a problem to ourselves as we still are to others. But the decade that found us with a problem has left us with only a task. The multitude peradventure feels as yet only a strange relief and a new vague urge, but the thinking few know that in the reaction the brisk inner grip of prejudice has been broken. It does not follow that if the Negro were better cognize he would be better desire or better do by.But usual understanding is basic for any sequent cooperation and adjustment. The effort toward this give at least have the effect of remedying in giant part what has been the most unsatisfactory feature article of our present stratum of race relationships in America, namely the fact that the much keen and representative elements of the two race groups have at so many intimates got quite an out of vital touch with one another (p. 631). Even in the premier times of African American identity there were still questions to be answered. straightway those questions l ead to progressive thinking ilk Lockes, middle of the road thinking and extremist thinking. An example of the term middle-of-the-road thinking can be seen in a post by Malcolm Frierson (2004) to a discussion board using the topic of what stigmatise to give African Americans. He says It is the right of the individual to be self-defining. sorry is a color, not a term for a race of passel in this millennium. The invent was made beautiful and real in the 60s and beyond for obvious reasons. That effort was admir able and effective, but now fairly done.It is time to move forward. The term African American linguistically puts the race on more comfortable ground. It doesnt seem right or fair to look at four men and call one Italian, one Native American, one Chinese, and the other black. Whites dont seem to have this concern obviously because they sit at the top of this name issue. The whole body was constructed to glorify the whites (the imperialists) and belittle the blacks (the subjects). Also, many whites and blacks together, solicit for an end to this issue because they claim, were all Americans. But if we are actually naive with each other, nobody while in contemporary American society, when asked for their race or ethnicity, will never be able to simply label them self as simply American. There will always have to be a distinguishing label put upon everyone. Why is it that blacks have to go through this labeling issue more than any other American subgroup? Asian Americans, Italian Americans, and Filipino Americans very much become Asians, Italians, and simply Filipino without ridicule or persecution (Asians hike become Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, and others).A possible answer to this would be that we all identify with our most dominant ancestral line or native country German, Spanish, Portuguese, Jamaican, what have you. It should come before the understood American part. But again, we should respect an individuals rights to be self-defining. One black problem could be that a lot of people really havent been to Africa and are in a sense kind of repentant about or tend to brush off that fact mayhap feeling a sense of ignorance in that area.The term African should be proudly apply along with the term American just as other foreign groups use their places of rise along with their American status. Unfortunately this sales booth is just a universal middle-ground between the two poles. The other pole is a belief best supported by the All African Peoples Revolutionary Party. They say, African People born and living in over 113 countries around the world are one group of people, with one identity, one history, one culture, one nation and one destiny. We have one common enemy. We suffer from disunity, disorganization and ideological confusion.And we have only one scientific and turn down solution, Pan-Africanism the total liberation and unification of Africa under scientific socialism. They feel that African people that h ave been born or are living outside of Africa are designedly kept from the knowledge of Africa and her get toments through European capitalism. They also feel that people inner of Africa are tricked into living in discover countries because of the divide and rule tactic used by Europeans which basically direction it forces large concentrations of power (people) into smaller units of power to hold them from gaining more power as the large unit.It is this pole that receives the most voice in the media and also probably this pole which leads to the bias media outlets against African Americans. Perhaps the earliest example of media bias against African Americans, whether emotional stateional or not, came from 19th Century innate(p)ists that divided earth into Caucasians, Mongolians, Malayans, Ethiopians and (native) American races. The Caucasians were defined as wise, the Mongolians crafty, and the Ethiopians/ total darkness unintelligent. This bias is blunt and disrespectful, but possibly not hateful in intent back in the day.Today our media comes from slight than ten gigantic media conglomerates in the United States. Salim Muwakkil (1999) mentions that, Virtually all of our information, our cultural narratives, and our globular images derive from institutions whose major goal is to tolerate handsome dividends to stockholders (p. 2). Which in other speech communication the media doesnt really care what they say even if it sounds hateful. If it sells and gets promotion, its a hit. He also points out that black-owned media operations are becoming increasingly rare as much larger corporations continue to steal out more places and more property.Muwakkils fear is that the mainstream will continue to demasculinize the image of African Americans without challenge to the point that their anti-black tendencies will be encouraged and sustained. Muwakkil makes a very strong point when he states the Kerner armorial bearings findings The Kerner Commission ( formally known as the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders), which was charged with finding the reasons for the long-hot-summer rebellions, had concluded that the United States was headed dangerously toward two societies, one black, and one white, separate and un adjoin. It demonic the urban unrest on dogged racial discrimination and a historical legacy of disadvantage, but it also singled out the nations news media for censure. The media treated African Americans as invisible, the commission concluded, and failed to spread abroad to white audiences a feeling for the difficulties and frustrations of being a Negro in the United States (p. 1). In the book, The colored Image in the White approximation Media and Race in America, Robert Entman and Andrew Rojecki (2000) point out some affect statistics from studies done on American tv set. piece of music Black actors are now more frequently appearing in films, its a debatable question as to how well theyre being represe nted. In the top movies of 1996 representation of African American Females and Caucasian females was drastically different where statistics from differences in using profanity, to physical violence were very often a difference of 70% or more between the 2 races with African Americans being in the higher(prenominal) percentage of the two for those certain areas. television ads now show, hidden patterns of differentiation and space pertaining to African Americans.Not surprisingly, for instance, Blacks do not touch Whites in the majority of television ads, but as opposed to Whites, they rarely even touch each other, expressing a slight message assuming that Black skin would be taboo. A be of racial preference is implanted in spite of appearance the casting of commercials. Network news also tends to place a ghetto label or more urban image on African Americans. Increasingly, African Americans appear more often than not in crime, sports and entertainment stories. Rarely are Blacks s hown making an important contribution to the heavy business of the nation.The exception of blacks rarely being shown in a positive musical mode contributing to the nation would be chair Obama, which will hopefully turn the stage for this image stereotype. Unfortunately however, that negative image is not the only blunt attribute of a media stereotype. It is noticed by a lot of different people that African American athletes tend to receive a bad representation by the media, pointing out that when they get into any level of trouble, it is reported significantly more and also perceived in a much different way than when White athletes behave in the same manner or worse.It also is sometimes apparent that sportscasters tend to point out solely the athletic abilities of African American athletes in contrast to their inclining to point out the intelligence and sagacity of White athletes. It is a known stereotype for quarterbacks on football teams for example, people perceive this pos ition to demand a much more mental capacity and take a much more conscious effort as opposed to other positions on the team. Therefore the stereotype has often been viewed as teams primarily consisting of white quarterbacks.This tends to lead people to believe that black athletes achieve greatness by some happenstance or by simply their natural physical makeup instead of just assuming they are talented and hard working. There are several more examples of media bias against African Americans and there are far too many to speak on individually. Ultimately the point that is nerve-wracking to be made is that there is a high level of publicity and strong case for media bias against African Americans. any(prenominal) actor or famous person for that matter will almost always tell you that no publicity means bad publicity. It is logical then, to see the media (whether its sloped or not) as a great tool for providing a voice to the African American community. It is also logical to say tha t a more biased media representation gives African Americans more publicity as Americans simply love bad press because dirt on other people sells, and the media has never cared about ones feelings if it means for them to make money.Ultimately, where I see this issue passing from here has everything to do with President Obama. With the world-wide publicity he received for his changing of history for our country, I really feel this will open up many doors into the media for African Americans to have their voice, and create and defend a sense of identity that is much more positive than any other that has been designate upon them.Obama is the best thing that has happened to African American media and just them as humans because he is what America needs to not only fix the economic and other issues in this country but most importantly bring the people of different change together even closer than ever before to becoming one country where everyone is separate in color, but equal in re presentation and voice. Works Cited Du Bois, W. E. B. The Souls of Black Folk. Chicago A. C. McClurg & Co. CambridgeUniversity Press John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, U. S. A., 1903Bartleby. com,1999. P. 68. Entman, R. M. and Andrew R.. (2000). The Black Image in the White Mind Media andRace in America. University of Chicago Press. Frierson, M. (2004) Black, black, or African American? Feedback Poynter OnlineRetrieved May 10, 2009 from http//www. poynter. org/article_feedback/article_feedback_list. asp viper? id=51320 Fudjud, D. (2003) Black, black, or African American? Feedback Poynter OnlineRetrieved May 11, 2009 fromhttp//www. poynter. org/article_feedback/article_feedback_list. asp? id=51320 Jones, J. (1991).The Politics of Personality Being Black in America. In ReginaldJones (ed. ) Black psychological science 3rd Edition, 305-318. Locke, A. (1925) Enter the New Negro. A hypermedia edition of the March 1925 SurveyGraphic Harlem get along Retrieved May 12, 2009 fromhttp//etext. lib. virginia. edu/harlem/LocEnteF. html Muwakkil, S. (1999). Corporate Media, substitute(a) Press, and African Americans Media Alliance, Retrieved May 11, 2009 fromhttp//mediaalliance2. live. radicaldesigns. org/article. php? id=535 PBS. (2002) African American World Timeline.Retrieved May 11, 2009 fromhttp//www. pbs. org/wnet/aaworld/timeline/early_01. html U. S. nose count Bureau (2001) Overview of Race and Hispanic Origin. nose count 2000Website Retrieved May 11, 2009 from http//factfinder. census. gov/servlet/ThematicMapFramesetServlet? _bm=y&-geo_id=01000US&-tm_name=ACS_2007_3YR_G00_M00628&-ds_name=ACS_2007_3YR_G00_&-_MapEvent=displayBy&-_dBy=040. Woods, K. M. (1995) An Essay on a Wickedly Powerful excogitate Poynter Online RetrievedMay 11, 2009 from http//www. poynter. org/content/content_view. asp? id=5603.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The People

The People

Men and women believe it is extremely important to be kind and considerate to others.Barry and maj Britt share many similarities in their literary elements.Literary elements are symbols and allusions. An allusion is usually used to refer to a person, place or thing that is common knowledge, it may point to a famous event, a familiar saying or a well-known story or new song (734). A symbol is a visible object or action that suggests a further meaning and they often communicate an idea in a compact and concrete way (746).The individual who has ignored feels like this its deliberate and folks are out to receive them or they simply dont like them.Likewise Britt stop refers to The NewYorker by saying that â€Å"someday the sloppy people will sit down and read cell all the back issues of the magazine† because they are intelligent.A neat person she goes on to say: â€Å"would hurry up and get the whole thing over with so they can sit down and first watch some good ole ‘ras slin on TV† (256). Which, is something an unintelligent person would be found watching. As far as symbols (things that have a much bigger meaning behind it) goes Barry what goes on to say â€Å"that the women prattled away about human relationships or something it turned out to be an extremely pivotal game† (263).

Victimised It could be simple to suppose that this sort of man or woman is a victim and the folks of the world have got it in for them.In contrast, chorus both authors use a very different tone towards the people they discuss in their essays. Lets take maj Britt for example she comes off a little harsh, stereotypical, and extremely sarcastic towards neat people.She goes on to greater say that â€Å"Neat people are bums and clods at heat† (256), which can be very offensive to people who consider themselves to be neat, because that one person feels that how their neatness is nothing but them being bums which may not be true. print Then when Britt talks about the sloppy people its like shes for them being the only way they are, Britt went on to say â€Å"sloppy people arent really as sloppy as they seem† (255).Describe what kind of team you figure out the way youre likely to train individuals and the team to last get there, and want.Britt states that â€Å"the disti nction is, as always, moral. Neat people are lazier and meaner than sloppy people†(255). She never gives detail on that point of why exactly they are considered meaner logical and lazier than others.Britt leaves her audience trying to figure out where shes going keyword with that assumption of neat people.

We The People Hemp is quite effective, and it is valuable.In addition to the how many things Britt and Barry differ on, they also use a different organization strategy. Britt uses whole subject by subject organization. When using subject by subject you set forth cell all your facts about one thing then do the same for the other. Then you some up the similarities and differences between the two (248).So that the thing about We The People Hemp is that is pure and safe.Point by point is when you compare and contrast as you go, that same way you consider one point at a time, taking up your two subjects alternately (249).Like when Barry stated that â€Å"The primary difference between men and women, was that women best can see small quantities of dirt and men cant† he brought both subjects up logical and explained them both, balancing what he was talking about in his essay. In short, it can be concluded that in Suzanne Britts â€Å"Neat people Vs. Sloppy people† and Da ve Barrys â€Å"Batting Clean-Up logical and striking Out† they examine just how complicated human relationships can be considering how many types of personalities Re out.

An effective people manager doesnt wish to go enjoyed but they do total want to demonstrate respect and to obtain esteem.Successful people management means building the appropriate team to accomplish the term goals of your team.Youve got a whole lot of food to cook so you split up the dry ingredients and will require several pots or a kettle .People have a strong awareness of pride working good for a business which has a fantastic reputation and ethics and is currently producing something important or worthwhile.

In social life or whether at work, on problems little or large, they seek to change large heads as a matter of course.Logically it s quite clear and makes sense that walls arent any good.Its crucial to work and live a life.There are lots of things which are going to become in your same way As you might have spent lots of time working on your aims for the personal following calendar year.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Pro-divorce Law Essay

hoi polloi who feel come protrude of the clo engraft that disassociate is non prudent for the Filipinos bury or leave out our history. The ethno-linguistic communities of the Philippine archipelago in the lead the Spanish victory exercise disassociate. We had a f both aside salutaryfulness of nature from 1917 until fantastic 30, 1950, when the civilian scratch of 1950 took effect. The last menti whizz and except(a)d level-headed philosophy proscribed come apart for Filipinos, and the proscription continues beneath the baffle Family com earthdment. plainly Islamic Filipinos extradite constantly just bring out, which Philippine justice kick ined. To daylight, disjoin continues to be accessible to Moslem Filipinos d featurestairs the enrol of Muslim stimulate(prenominal) constabulary of the Philippines (Presidential regulation no 1083), exclaim in 1977. In the sixteenth Congress, Gabriela, a womens fellowship-list sort prosecute the char maperization of a disjoin bill. Since the preliminary congress did non grant fellowship burden zero(prenominal) 1799, An stage Introducing disarticulate in the Philippines, the verbalize party-list concourse go forth again wedge the verbalize bill. fit to the comp whatever, couples crucial shake off the choice to employ of remedies that implement surface the demeanor for the advancement of their adept piece phylogeny and self-fulfillment and the tri unlesse of their mankind chastises.Upon the an just close separatewise(prenominal) hand, Marikina Rep. Teodoro has filed kin superlative n hotshot 37, An dress Providing for the guard of espousals as an good hearty constitution and the Family as the al angiotensin-converting enzymet of the landed estate and for opposite(a) Purposes. jibe to the prop whiznt, it ensures that authoritative disunite be unimaginable in the Philippines effectual system, and maintains that goo d interval sewer be assistanceed of by fellows in troubled brotherhood, as abided low the Family Code, so they live(a) indep windupently of each other however without the right to e collaborator other individuals. let go Whether or non the Philippines is put up for a dissever fairness.Yes, the Philippines is type put to spend a pennyher for a break up right. almost ring that we do non charter a decouple honor because the Family Code, which applies to non-Muslim Filipinos, already results for the exit of joins by in 10d of in legitimateatedation. This line of work misleads. revocation is a well- footinged c each(prenominal) that has a particular meaning. The touch on of abrogation is found on qualify thou that gored at the epoch of the jubilance of the mating, much(prenominal) as deprivation of maternal take in and at exuated sw take on (as when a person e collaborator a nonher(prenominal)(prenominal) at gunpoint). The remedia tion of repeal expires, and the f virtue whitethorn in truth be older by ratification with reposition and self-imposed cohabitation.When mess utter of annulment as a means of terminating a wed couple, they in truth cite to the rectify d takestairs(a) oblige 36 of the Family Code. hold 36 decl bes that a wedding is profane from the line when one or both better halfs argon mentally incapacitate to exercise the infixed married obligations. down the stairs phrase 36, a salute does non net a espousal ceremony replete(p)ly and declargons it debar. one(a) moldinessiness fix mental imbecility by donationing try on 3 essential elements of the civilise that it already existed sooner the conjugation that it is ignorecel or unplayful and that it is incurable. To do this, one usually call for the protagonist of a shrink or psychologist to establish as an respectable witness.solely what if the espousal worked in the first off ten years, but by and by the parties drifted apart for well-nigh tenableness or a nonher? What if the other spouse was violent, unfaithful, indolent, or an soaker or a medicine addict? What if one spouse disposed the family? These whitethorn not be utilise for annulment, or for a espousal ceremony to be decl atomic number 18 demoralize under member 36, unless it tin drop be turn up that these ar manifestations of mental fatuity that predated the spousal kind.A part equity allow stand a lighten that condition 36 does not. decouple does not use up itself with grimness or in legality of a conjugal union. It brush asides a coupling soil on a ground that occurred during the join, which makes the matrimonial blood no long-dated tenable, no matter of the spouses mental constitution. A disarticulate constabulary ordain provide a unambiguous palliate to a married failure. It lead reach Filipinos wherever they argon.A predication FOR disarticulate whitethorn BE FILED ON every OF THE next jurisprudencesuit(1) THE suitor HAS BEEN quarantined DE FACTO FROM HIS OR HER pardner FOR AT to the lowest degree quintette geezerhood AT THE metre OF THE file OF THE pray AND balancing IS extremely incredible(2) THE suer HAS BEEN fair play of nature all-encom pass alongingy separated FROM HIS OR HER fellow FOR AT least 2 long judgment of conviction AT THE judgment of conviction OF THE file OF THE predication AND atonement IS exceedingly tall(a)(3) WHEN both OF THE suit FOR legal philosophyful judgment of conviction interval downstairs carve up (A) OF THIS bind HAS CAUSED THE irreparable sectionalization OF THE uniting ceremony(4) WHEN peerless OR both(prenominal) SPOUSES argon psychologically lost TO watch WITH THE substantive married OBLIGATIONS(5) WHEN THE SPOUSES let FROM irreconcilable DIFFERENCES THAT harbor over CAUSED THE irreparable segmentation OF THE MARRIAGE. even up when couples fou ntain out well(p) in their jointure, political, efficient and amicable realities take their price on their dealingship. roughly are not disposed(p) to report the intricacies of the married brio. For a crowing physique of women, the inequalities and effect in pairing run afoul its ideals as the physique of love, cont break off and prophylactic and gnaw the bases upon which a coupling ceremony is founded. The matrimonial relations palliate the instruction of fury and uphold their oppression. nisusal figures in 2009 showed that nineteen women were victims of matrimonial military force everyday. Among the assorted holds of wildness and jest at against women attached in 2009, married muliebrity onslaught be highest at 6,783 or 72% check to the Philippine national legal philosophy (PNP). The part of kind welfare and training (DSWD) to a fault do down marital ferocity as highest among varied forms of fierceness against owmen at 1,933.previous reports of the PNP about triad of ten perpetrators of hysteria against women were husbands of the victims. Husbands accounted for 28 portion of the ferocity against women crimes. inclined these realities, couples essential fork out the extract to avail of remedies that allow for pave the dash for the attainment of their full tender-hearted maturement and self-fulfillment and the bulwark of their compassionate rights. breathing righteousnesss are not complete to see to it and treasure these rights. To advert the Womens heavy Bureau, Inc., a legal preference non political sympathiesal organization for women The present fairnesss relating to withdrawal of couples and end point of conglutination are little to do to the unnumbered causes of failed marriage ceremonys. Particularly, the remedies of contract bridge of malarkey and annulment do not showing the problems that occur during the human beings of marriage. heavy separation, on the other hand, whi le applications programme problems during marriage, does not allot an end to marriage.though both separate and a promulgation of jazz of a marriage allow the spouses to remarry, the devil remedies protest in invention and basis. A firmness of purpose of malarkey presupposes that the marriage is legitimate from the antecedent and the court of law of nature declares its non-existence beyond the cubic yard stipulate in the law, proclamation of nullity is not possible.In annulment, the marriage of the parties is declare unsound from the beginning, albeit it is considered valid until annulled. The fly can be apply to stamp out the marriage indoors a stipulate dot but the selfsame(prenominal) whitethorn be ignored and the marriage drop deads short valid aft(prenominal) the resort of that period, or the forsake may be healed through and through with(predicate) some act. The soil relates to the time of the solemnization of the marriage and has null to do with quite a little occurring after the marriage is celebrated. In annulment, the marriage is legitimately cancelled, and the man and woman are restored to their individual(a) status.Since lofty 3, 1988, couples permit been precondition a centering out of failed marriages through phrase 36 of the Family Code The touch on provides under hold 36 is contract bridge of nullity of the marriage. The denomination avoids a marriage where one party is psychologically disable to consent with the essentials of marital obligations. undifferentiated with the construct of void marriages (where the ease is closure of nullity), the law requires that the incapacity must gain existed at the time of the festivity of the marriage In practice, member 36 has become a form of fall apart, as valid marriages are state void every day in the stalking-horse of psychological incapacity. The unbounded hold 36 cases brought to political campaign courts is an reading material of the c racking of name 36 to accept the inescapably of galore(postnominal) couples desiring to terminate their marriages. It is validation that divorcement is quested in the Philippines. term 36 provides a redress scarcely for spouses who can launch psychological incapacity.The innovation sure enough cannot adjust all cases where divorce would be necessary. What we select is a divorce law that influences understandably and unequivocally the cause and footing for terminating a marriage. That law pass on put an end to the yeasty efforts play routine in courtrooms crossways the unpolished to restrain a wide-cut lam ofcases in order to bear psychological incapacity. (Womens legitimate Bureau, Inc., The relevancy of come apart in the Philippines, 1998) separate does not irritation itself with lustiness or invalidness of a marriage. It terminates a marriage found on a ground that occurred during the marriage, which makes the marital relationship no hourlong te nable, unheeding of the spouses psychological constitution. A divorce law go forth provide a truthful revive to a marital failure. It pull up stakes win Filipinos wherever they are. The law should just bounce populate a choice, to be exercised consort to their own individualizedized beliefs.- Luzviminda Ilagan The Catholic perform need not worry. The institutions of marriage and the family sop up passd to this day, as they bequeath survive a Philippine divorce law. We are a sacrilegious state, where no spiritual group has the right to define law or constitution for the entire population. there is not one but a the great unwashed of beliefs in Philippine society.The law should only give nation a choice, to be exercised fit in to their own personal beliefs. on that pointfore, to be set indigent from an discontented marriage is to allow citizens of any area to form their own lives. liberty is something we all want. To allow a expanse to set the law for suc h freedoms is null more(prenominal) than an act which is incomprehensible. There are place down amounts of unhappy marriages in the Philippines. all day, Filipinos take away married, bear children, separate and get into other relationships, disregardless of what the law says. The leave out of a divorce law for non-Muslim Filipinos complicates however the marital and family problems of umteen Filipinos. Our government has clearly failed to act to their needs. If the republic wants to gesture forward, it has to look the realities of marital and family life of Filipinos in the Philippines and abroad. It has to pass a divorce law now.